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Cackl3r is a tiny (2'4" on all four legs) Farkosian lamia lich whose skeletal lower body has the front legs of a rabbit and the rear of a monkey. She dwells in a huge spinning chamber deep below the institute amidst its labyrinthine network of ossuaries, guarded by her minotaur death knight, Seven Tiny Flowers. Although she doesn't wear any clothing or other adornments, her bones are decorated with magical paint made from crushed jewels and magical reagents. She is surprisingly humble for a lich and bruit has it that she apologises whenever she sacrifices someone's soul. Her exact age is unknown, although she has been heard to say that she is over a thousand years old.

Magic Powers[edit | edit source]

Cackl3r is a capable of utilizing multiple systems of magic, including powerful Gathaghastian/Fuégan magic, but her specialty is gyromancy. Her mastery of this discipline is considered unparalleled on GHOUL WORLD, although the exact limits of her power are unknown. Her vestibular system is purely magical, due to her nature as a skeletal undead, and instead of fainting, she dies each time she throws a gyromantic spell, her body flying apart in every direction. She remains dead for a variable amount of time, during which period various undead servants gather up her bones and carry them to a resting place deep within her lair. Anyone foolish enough to attempt to steal her bones meets a terrible fate, as they are each warded with multiple powerful spells, including Cackl3r's Bonehopper Trap.

History[edit | edit source]

Although Cackl3r's exact history is a mystery, it is known that she was born on one of the planets in the Farkos system. It is also known that she travelled the planes for some time before becoming a lich, as various reports exist of her activites. Notably, on more than one occasion she presented resolutions to conflicts between necromancers and non-necromancers, some of which had broken out into all out war. Though the precise nature of her conflict resolutions are lost to history and unreliable witnesses, they supposedly involved promises that she later fulfilled. Some of the necromancers involved in these conflicts later helped her to form the institute.

Gallery[edit | edit source]