Extragaladians, also known as enataiodykolytes, are a group of mysterious, nomadic beings who worship Galadia and/or any/all of the Galadian pantheon. They wear full-body suits of armour, always covering their faces when in the presence of non-worshippers, and travel between wyrmholes searching for shards of Galadia.
Galadian Ascension[edit | edit source]
Many extragaladians hope to enter Galadia upon their deaths, or to become petitioners of the goddesses. Sacred texts supposedly written with direct input from the goddesses are explicit in detailing the fact that nothing, including memories and knowledge, can cross the barrier separating the rest of the galaxy from Galadia, but there is an implied loophole in the form of souls in a line that roughly translates as "such planar seeds fall into the cycle of death and rebirth, and never leave the house." The "planar seeds" referred to in the text are interpeted as the original planar beings, composed of the same stuff as souls, and the "house" refers to Galadia. A substantial number of enatoidykolytes take this to imply that this planar "seeding" is a potentially recurring process, and scholars have hypothesised that it is almost inevitable that some souls within this cycle be utterly destroyed, due to magic, particularly sacrificial magic, or due to the wrath of the goddesses, and that destroyed souls would need to be "replaced" in order to sustain the "balance". This theory is called "Galadian Reincarnation Theory", and little actual evidence exists to support it. Although there have been experimental attempts to track souls that would pass through into Galadia, and the experiments appeared to prove the hypothesis, these are widely discredited due to biased calculations and inaccurate measurements. Nevertheless, extragaladians have a seemingly unshakeable faith in their goddesses, even if they don't have a precise idea of what the ultimate reward for their faith is.
Galshell[edit | edit source]
During the Galadia anomaly's stellar concavenation, tiny fragments of mysterious, seemingly organic matter were ejected from the anomaly at extreme speeds, drawn into the wyrmholes and thus finding their way to many far-reaching places. Some of these fragments were soon found by extragaladian pilgrims passing through the gates to reach the anomaly, and divination soon revealed their significance, allowing the pilgrims to form the shards into spheres that could be used to perform a sort of limited scrying into Galadia's past (though it was first thought the imagery was from the present, and only gradually became clear that it was not). Over time, extragaladian culture began to revolve around these shards, with each generation feeling more and more closely connected to Galadia, and the primary denomination of extragaladians began forming the shards into armour and adopted their strict belief around hiding their faces. While other denominations exist, the last known major attempt to reform this belief was made hundreds of years ago. The material of the shards became known as "galshell", which is a term also applied to the armour.