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Gapachon is an ecumenopolitan planet in the Divatox system. It is primarily known for the worldwide sensation known as mecha sport.

Ecology[edit | edit source]

Fauna[edit | edit source]

Gapachon's urban groves play host to a great amount of species, ranging from escaped offworld zoo animals to descendants of the world's native pre-urban natural world.

Over time, some species have even become accustomed to the cityscape itself. Preeminent are the golayeggs, animals that roost atop buildings and barter for food with the eggs they lay from a distinctive chest cavity. Others have taken to living on the vast playing fields of various mecha sports, such as the ghurials, which live on mecha golf courses.

The oceans of Gapachon came out of the rapid ecumenopolization relatively unscathed, and continue to boast a similar biodiversity to that of ages past. Particularly charismatic in the eyes of many are the smylodeons, huge dragon-like creatures adorned with patterns that evoke smiling faces.

Haunts[edit | edit source]

Although the Bones Pit is by far the biggest hotbed for ghostly activities, hauntings are common throughout all of Gapachon, popularly thought to be caused by lingering resentment for the great losses its natural world suffered.

When a derelict mecha goes ignored for a century or more, it sometimes gives rise to an oboroguruma, which manifests as a monstrous head emanating from the cockpit.

At high altitudes, during thunderstorms, it is rumored that the accumulating negative energy sometimes brings forth creatures which attempt to tear apart any craft crossing into their "domain". Although not formally investigated, survivors of several crashes supposedly caused by these visitations often claim the creatures appear as furry goblinoids with wings.

Population[edit | edit source]

Owing to the planet's cosmopolitan nature, both of Gapachon's caps feature a wide array of sapient species, many of which are of otherworldly origin. Practically any widely spacefaring people throughout the Prime Material plane can be found here, but out of those only a select few have become fully "naturalized" throughout the ages.

The Gapachon-native wyldcats make up the world's largest demographic, representing a full tenth of the total population. Widely cited as the main driving force behind the rapid urbanisation of the planet, their perceived antipathy towards the natural world gave rise to the popular phrase "ain't nothin' pisses off a wyldcat more'n wilderness", although it is now commonly understood that their hand in the ecologically catastrophic development of the ecumenopolis was driven by recklessness rather than enmity.

Notable Inhabitants[edit | edit source]