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An illustration of a pivit.

Pivits are tiny, mewling demons that take the form of soft-bodied, urchin-like creatures that rapidly roll around and crash into things, piercing them with their incredibly sharp little spines. They are also able to spin around like tops. Pivits are exceptionally mischievious, and have the fearful ability to summon other pivits from their home realm of Cyclothéatron, which frequently leads to exponential population growth. They hate to be still, and grow bored very quickly if there isn't any drama around them. When grouchy and bored, they will typically explode their material forms, sending their bright red spines into everything nearby (these dissipate after their death, but not before they do some damage). They have an inherent attachment to mortals, however, and most will not intentionally harm them in this way unless given cause.

Since they do not truly die when destroyed on the material plane, they are not easily provoked, with no sense of self-preservation (this is especially true due to their connection to Volvera). Threats of physical violence have little to no effect on most pivits. On the other hand, threats of containment are very effective.

It is said that their main weakness is their restlessness and fear of stillness. While they are usually content to be held by perceived friends for up to several minutes (so long as they are able to spin on the spot), any longer than this can send them into a self-destructive rage. If they don't intend to hurt anyone, they can instead harmlessly return to the abyss, unless somehow bound to the material plane.